What is the difference between Megabyte and megabit

We always try  to show you the most important technical terms that are mentioned in our topics or we deal with each other with friends so we keep every period on the publication of one of the topics under the terms of technical terms in which we try to clarify the difference between many of the famous terms which we disagree with Some other terms and we will complete that day and share with you the difference between Megabyte Megabyte Megabit and Megabit there is a big difference between them and a lot of people confuse them so continue with me.

At the beginning you should know the basic difference between each of them Megabyte Megabyte is used to measure the size of files while the term megabit is used to measure the speed of the Internet is the basic difference between them, but now we will remind you in more detail if you do not know this, Your system is called Binary system or the language of the computer All these terms for the same meaning and depends on the two numbers only 0,1 All those things that you do on your computer translated to 0.1 to be understood by the computer and each number is a single bit bit Only each bit bit is equal to one byte.

And every letter or number you write on the computer is equal to 1 byte = 8 bit The Mega term that precedes them is a result of the result of 1024 × 1024 and if you ask why 1024 and not 1000 For example, I will simply remind you that the computer is running binary system and 1024 of the multiple number This figure is the closest to 1,000, so you can deduce from all this that one megabyte will be one million bytes and so in one megabyte will be a million bits and constructive on all the previous lines, surely you know that one byte is equal to eight bits and so you can also say that One megabyte is 8 megabytes.

So why is the megabyte used for measuring the size of files, not the megabyte? Answer simply because the megabytes are larger and therefore it is easier to tell you that the size of a file is 1 MB and not 8 MB. Also, it is easier for the computer to compile that bit and reduce it to Of the data you enter this is the difference between megabytes MB and megabytes mb By the way, this can be used to know the actual download speed you get after the subscription If you are subscribed to the Internet speed of 1 Mbps, you can perform a simple calculation is 1 × 1024 then Divide the na C 8 to get the download speed that will get them and is almost 130


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